Mind of Fog social media account profiles - Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
Mind Of Fog Social Media Account Profiles
Phone Mockups created by rezaazmy and available from https://www.freepik.com/psd/phone
Mind of Fog was a six-week cross social media campaign that ran from the 12th of April to the 30th of May of 2021. The overall purpose behind the campaign was to generate awareness around Dementia and address a demographic of people who don't fully comprehend Dementia's impact on individuals living with it and their families. 
The main goal addresses how to assist and include people living with Dementia in society and reduce its stigmatisation, which causes loneliness and isolation. As well as suggest healthy methods to keeping our brains active to minimise the effects and progression of Dementia.
The project was also an exercise in social media marketing, trends, and search engine optimisation to observe real-time user demographics and audiences. Running across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and a website with weekly blogs and an EDM service where visitors could subscribe.
Mind of Fog Website (active): www.mindoffog.com
Mind of Fog Facebook Page (active): www.facebook.com/mindoffog
Mind of Fog Instagram Page (active): www.instagram.com/mindoffog/
Mind of Fog Twitter Page (active): www.twitter.com/mindoffog?lang=en
Mind of Fog Instagram Profile - @mindoffog
Mind of Fog Instagram Profile - @mindoffog
Mind of Fog Facebook Profile - @mindoffog
Mind of Fog Facebook Profile - @mindoffog
Mind of Fog Twitter Profile - @mindoffog
Mind of Fog Twitter Profile - @mindoffog
Mind of Fog website - www.mindoffog.com
Mind of Fog website - www.mindoffog.com
Mind of Fog Week 1 - 6 EDM service
Mind of Fog Week 1 - 6 EDM service
Mind Of Fog Cross Social Platforms
"Mind Of Fog" Final Campaign Report